Maharashtra Institution for Transformation (MITRA)

Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra

Reviewing Nagarothan Projects

Reviving Nagarotthan Projects

Maharashtra government introduced a funding scheme, aimed at executing infrastructure projects in smaller cities in the state. The scheme – Maharashtra Suvarna Jayanti Nagarotthan Mahabhiyan – aims to support municipal bodies not falling under the JNNURM scheme. This scheme attempts to raise the standard of living of people in smaller cities by improving transportation, solid waste management, water supply and eliminating slums. The pre-requisite for participation in the scheme is that cities must prepare a City Development Plan (CDP). There are as of 230 projects currently under implementation at the state level for which a considerable amount of loan has been sanctioned and disbursed by the state government. But due to various reasons like Land acquisition issue, delay in grant from ULBs, Local issues these projects are pending or not being completed. MITRA is working with government departments and financing institutions to:
  • Shortlist the pending Nagarothan projects in the state and carrying out bifurcation of the projects and prioritise the same in order to fast-track execution
  • Co-ordinate financing of the projects through financing institutions
  • MITRA has identified around 70 urban projects which are either pending or stuck due to various issues.
  • A monitoring mechanism will be set-up along with UDD and DMA to make sure that these pending projects are completed in 1 year
Upon successful completion of these on going and pending projects MITRA plans to focus on the other areas under which new projects can be implemented such as energy-saving projects, social amenities, development of hill-stations, conservation of heritage structures or natural water bodies, sewage treatment, basic infrastructure related to school education, infrastructure related to urban health and urban environment.
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